Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Discussion Questions # 3 paragraph

#3 Did it suprise you to learn that in modern U.S. society women earn significantly less than men? Explain. In your opinion, what are the causes of the gender gap, and what do you think would have to happen for it to end?

I'm not very suprised, because we know that, in generally, the gender gap is always blatant form in all society in all over the world. This, for the fact, that women compare to men show that women cannot to be capable physically to do the same job like men. In particularly, it happen in certain fields of the economy development of a country such as America, furthermore,it is the most remarkable in undeveloped countries all over the world.

I can mention some of them, for example, in constraction, in huge industry, which are included oil industry, automobile industry,or in agriculture(farming)etc. These are a few significative facts that in modern U.S.society women earn less than men.

I think that this state will continue to exist, especially in the undeveloped countries. Otherwise, in developed countries like U.S., the gender gap would have to happen to end, because these countries would probably modernize whole fields of the development of their economy,so taking place the application of modern electronics in manufacturing processes will be a more reason, which enable the gender inequality in the workplace(the gender gap) almost to end.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good response that clearly shares your opinion about the gender pay gap debate with good examples to illustrate your point. Just watch your spelling~ otherwise a good job! 9/10
