Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mrs, Kristi Page #107 Suggested Topics for Process Paragraphs

How to land an interesting job
We should structure a resume around some of the highest quality examples at a job search website.
Apply to every and any job we think we may be qualified for. Always include a cover letter unless the company specifies not to. A cover letter shows possible employers our writing abilities and gives them insight into our personality.
After we apply to a job opening with a cover letter and resume we can go ahead and call within a few days to confirm that they received our information.
We have to be prepared to have a phone interview before they bring us in for a face to face, because many companies are used to select through phone interviews and bring in the better .applicants for a face to face, so we have to treat the phone interview as such. The phone interviews are tougher because we can’t examine the interviewers body language and facial expressions.
To avoid any misunderstanding during the interview , we always have to respond to their questions respectively.
Wear a suit to the interview. We must be clean shaven, nails clipped, hair cut and washed, and unwrinkled suit.
When we greet the interviwer we should always give them a firm handshake and and make eye contact.
This is very important since most managers say they know if they will hire someone in the first 30 seconds of meeting them.
After the interview, send a Thank You Note within 24 hours of the interview as common curtiousy.
After a week or two, call the interviewer to touch base with them. This also shows more interest in the position.


  1. This is very good, Edmund! I am so proud of you!

    How are things going?

    :-) kristi

  2. I forgot your mistakes--

    I see one comma error and one error in possession (interviewer's). Also, courtesy is spelled wrong!

