You see their photos everywhere: skinny models showing off the latest fashion, thin celebrities dinning in expensive restaurants and unhealthy looking young stars having their pictures published in magazines. It is not surprising that American women seem to be obsessed with their weight. Over the past few years, the media have been filled with the tragic stories of famous women whose abnormal eating behavior led to serious health problems and even death. At the opposite extreme, excessive overweight or obesity, while rarely deadly in itself, increases the risks of life-threatening medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Both this problems represent normal dieting gone wrong. Women suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia starve themselves to get thin or induce vomiting after they eat a lot. On the other hand overweight women-defined medically as those who are more than 20% over their ideal weight- are often obsessed with eating large amounts of food.
While eating disorders may begin with obsession with food and weight, they are most often about much more than food. People with eating disorders often use food and the control of food in an attempt to deal with emotions that may seem over-whelming. For some, dieting may begin as a way to cope with painful emotions but ultimately, these behaviors will damage a person’s physical and emotional health.
Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. Factors that affect obesity might include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active. Obesity is a complex issue in which a person’s weight gain seriously endangers their health. Obesity and weight related issues are a global problem that is becoming the number one reason why people seek help.
The media, family, and friends may be sending women mixed messages about food and weight that encourage disordered eating. Today's society promotes thinness and does not promote fatness, but high-calorie foods are widely available. At the same time, levels of physical activity are low as television and computers have become popular, travel by car has replaced walking, and many communities do not have space for walking.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Reading Comprehension Questions Page 381; 386.
10 - SA;PB;XC;SD.
ARGUMENT: TEST A (from our packet)
A.(1-4)group 1
gr 2
(8-10) (a;d;e.)
10 - SA;PB;XC;SD.
ARGUMENT: TEST A (from our packet)
A.(1-4)group 1
gr 2
(8-10) (a;d;e.)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Compare and Contrast Essay Ms.Kristi
The Senate and the House of Representatives
The government of the United States is made up of three branches:
the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial
branch. The legislative branch, called Congress, is responsible for
making laws. Congress is made up of two houses: the Senate and
the House of Representatives. In this essay, I will describe the
differences and similarities between these two houses of Congress.
There are many differences between the Senate and the House of
Representatives. The Vice President of the United States is the
head of the Senate. He must vote in the Senate if there is a tie.
On the other hand, the House of Representatives’ leader is called
the Speaker of the House. The representatives elect him or her.
Another difference is that the Senate is made up of 100 senators,
two from each state. The House of Representatives, however, is
made up of 435 representatives. The number of representatives
from each state is determined by that state’s population. The
greater the population in a state, the more representatives that
state will have in the House. A third difference is that senators are
elected to six-year terms, while representatives are elected to
serve two-year terms. Every two years, the nation holds an election
for members of Congress. At that time, all members of the House of
Representatives and one-third of the Senate are up for re-election.
There are also similarities between the Senate and the House of
Representatives. For example, both houses of Congress are made
up of men and women. Both senators and representatives are
members of Congress who must work together toward the same
goal: to create, discuss, debate and vote on bills, some of which
eventually become laws. In the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington
D.C., senators and representatives often meet with each other
and in smaller groups to discuss laws. Before the President can
sign a bill into law, it must first be approved by a majority of
members in both the House and Senate.
Although Congress is made up of two types of lawmakers,
they must work together for the benefit of all Americans.
The Senate and the House of Representatives
The government of the United States is made up of three branches:
the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial
branch. The legislative branch, called Congress, is responsible for
making laws. Congress is made up of two houses: the Senate and
the House of Representatives. In this essay, I will describe the
differences and similarities between these two houses of Congress.
There are many differences between the Senate and the House of
Representatives. The Vice President of the United States is the
head of the Senate. He must vote in the Senate if there is a tie.
On the other hand, the House of Representatives’ leader is called
the Speaker of the House. The representatives elect him or her.
Another difference is that the Senate is made up of 100 senators,
two from each state. The House of Representatives, however, is
made up of 435 representatives. The number of representatives
from each state is determined by that state’s population. The
greater the population in a state, the more representatives that
state will have in the House. A third difference is that senators are
elected to six-year terms, while representatives are elected to
serve two-year terms. Every two years, the nation holds an election
for members of Congress. At that time, all members of the House of
Representatives and one-third of the Senate are up for re-election.
There are also similarities between the Senate and the House of
Representatives. For example, both houses of Congress are made
up of men and women. Both senators and representatives are
members of Congress who must work together toward the same
goal: to create, discuss, debate and vote on bills, some of which
eventually become laws. In the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington
D.C., senators and representatives often meet with each other
and in smaller groups to discuss laws. Before the President can
sign a bill into law, it must first be approved by a majority of
members in both the House and Senate.
Although Congress is made up of two types of lawmakers,
they must work together for the benefit of all Americans.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ms. Rosemary HW page 377;378;379;380.
Review test 1
Review test 2
5-7 A;D;E
8-10 B;D;E
Review test 3
B. group 1
Group 2
Review test 2
5-7 A;D;E
8-10 B;D;E
Review test 3
B. group 1
Group 2
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Point and Support make up the Basics of Argument. A good argument is a part of the disscusion in which each of us supports his point of view about a subject. Also it is a part of our every day dealings with other people, trying to convince the audience with our oppinions and interpretations, giving logical evidence which provide solid support. After this, we clearly understand and agree with the point.
Practice 1 page 365 366
1.S a
P b
2.S a
P b
3.S a
P b
S c
4.P a
S b
S c
5.S a
P b
S c
6.P a
S b
S c
7. P a
S b
S c
8.P a
S b
S c
S d
9.S a
P b
S c
S d
10.S a
S b
S c
P d
Practice 2
1- A C F. 2-C E F. 3-A C F. 4-B D E
Practice 3
Practice 1 page 365 366
1.S a
P b
2.S a
P b
3.S a
P b
S c
4.P a
S b
S c
5.S a
P b
S c
6.P a
S b
S c
7. P a
S b
S c
8.P a
S b
S c
S d
9.S a
P b
S c
S d
10.S a
S b
S c
P d
Practice 2
1- A C F. 2-C E F. 3-A C F. 4-B D E
Practice 3
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Definition Paragraph "Self-esteem" page119 Ms. Kristi
Self-Esteem is a term which is treated especialy in psychology to acquaint a person’s universal quality like personification of ourselves. The respect for ourselves is very important. Having self-respect,everyone is able to confront the challenges of entire lifetime. Self-esteem is built up when we have confidence and satisfaction in ourselves. This means a good self-esteem indicate a good feeling about ourselves, if we do not feel good about ourselves, then this means we possess a low self-esteem. So that, having a low self-esteem we feel badly about ourselves. Obviously, we have no self-respect, and think things like we look horrible, and no one likes us. We always want to have a good self-esteem; a good self-esteem will help us getting further in entire our life. But,there is a fact when we possess a self-esteem that is too high it also affects very badly to us because, we look at ourselves more values than others have. So in this case we've overvalued ourselves against the others.
As conclusion,the term "Self-esteem" must build up conform to the cultivation of the person's universal quality.
As conclusion,the term "Self-esteem" must build up conform to the cultivation of the person's universal quality.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Although I’m still not the life of the party, I took these steps to overcome my shyness at parties Ms. Kristi
First step is Confidence in yourself. It is key which makes anyone attractive and draw people to your personality. About myself I always think positive thoughts and that will help me command the party and attention of others. Boost confidence is cute outfit. Wear my favorite shirts, new designer shoes that I’ve just bought recently.
Secondly, join the fun. At every party there are usually a bunch of people, who are having the time of their life. They laughing, joking, telling funny stories and just having an overall good time. So when I arrive at a party ease myself into the group of partiers.
Finally, since I don’t know a lot of people at the party, I start socializing. So introduce myself to the others, and then give a compliment to someone who is wearing a cute clothe. This is a way to start a conversation. Walking around I get to know people and all of us will know each other.
Secondly, join the fun. At every party there are usually a bunch of people, who are having the time of their life. They laughing, joking, telling funny stories and just having an overall good time. So when I arrive at a party ease myself into the group of partiers.
Finally, since I don’t know a lot of people at the party, I start socializing. So introduce myself to the others, and then give a compliment to someone who is wearing a cute clothe. This is a way to start a conversation. Walking around I get to know people and all of us will know each other.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Mrs, Kristi Page #107 Suggested Topics for Process Paragraphs
How to land an interesting job
We should structure a resume around some of the highest quality examples at a job search website.
Apply to every and any job we think we may be qualified for. Always include a cover letter unless the company specifies not to. A cover letter shows possible employers our writing abilities and gives them insight into our personality.
After we apply to a job opening with a cover letter and resume we can go ahead and call within a few days to confirm that they received our information.
We have to be prepared to have a phone interview before they bring us in for a face to face, because many companies are used to select through phone interviews and bring in the better .applicants for a face to face, so we have to treat the phone interview as such. The phone interviews are tougher because we can’t examine the interviewers body language and facial expressions.
To avoid any misunderstanding during the interview , we always have to respond to their questions respectively.
Wear a suit to the interview. We must be clean shaven, nails clipped, hair cut and washed, and unwrinkled suit.
When we greet the interviwer we should always give them a firm handshake and and make eye contact.
This is very important since most managers say they know if they will hire someone in the first 30 seconds of meeting them.
After the interview, send a Thank You Note within 24 hours of the interview as common curtiousy.
After a week or two, call the interviewer to touch base with them. This also shows more interest in the position.
We should structure a resume around some of the highest quality examples at a job search website.
Apply to every and any job we think we may be qualified for. Always include a cover letter unless the company specifies not to. A cover letter shows possible employers our writing abilities and gives them insight into our personality.
After we apply to a job opening with a cover letter and resume we can go ahead and call within a few days to confirm that they received our information.
We have to be prepared to have a phone interview before they bring us in for a face to face, because many companies are used to select through phone interviews and bring in the better .applicants for a face to face, so we have to treat the phone interview as such. The phone interviews are tougher because we can’t examine the interviewers body language and facial expressions.
To avoid any misunderstanding during the interview , we always have to respond to their questions respectively.
Wear a suit to the interview. We must be clean shaven, nails clipped, hair cut and washed, and unwrinkled suit.
When we greet the interviwer we should always give them a firm handshake and and make eye contact.
This is very important since most managers say they know if they will hire someone in the first 30 seconds of meeting them.
After the interview, send a Thank You Note within 24 hours of the interview as common curtiousy.
After a week or two, call the interviewer to touch base with them. This also shows more interest in the position.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mrs. Rosemary A Passage about an experience that made us mad or angry
Once,I was driving to see my wife's doctor at the hospital regarding her prognosis, it was overall a very stressful day because I was anticipating the news not to be good. As I am driving down the road within the speed limit, paying attention to every detail to make sure not to get into an accident. At that time I noticed a car driving very close to me behind me for a few miles. I tried to alert the driver to not stay so close through my mirror,but she did'n seem to care and continued to still do so. All of a sudden a car is stopped right in the middle of the road pass an intersection and as I am trying to step on my brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of me. I got hit by the one behind, I got very angry because this accident could been avoided, and I asked her:" What did you do? you ruined my car, I could have gotten hurt. Why were you tailgating the whole time? are you crazy?.
H.W.Page#351-- 4 Mrs. Rosemary
Purpose and Tone: Mastery Test 1 and 2
Test 1
Mastery test2
Test 1
Mastery test2
Monday, July 5, 2010
Homework page 347 up to349 Mrs.Rosemary
Reading Comprehension Questions about "The Scholarship Jacket"
Vocabulary in Context
Discussion Questions
3)To be honestly I've never ever experienced discrimination or know any of friend who experienced it, but some times someone take advantage just because the other don't speak english. This doesn't sound good.
Vocabulary in Context
Discussion Questions
3)To be honestly I've never ever experienced discrimination or know any of friend who experienced it, but some times someone take advantage just because the other don't speak english. This doesn't sound good.
The 4th of July Mrs.Kristi
The Independence Day in United States
Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as “The Fourth of July”. It is anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. Many people display the American flag on their homes.
The celebrations have deep roots in the American tradition of political freedom.
My experience with this holiday is almost the same with that of all American people. It is a day of family celebration going to picnic and cooking the food in barbecue and associated with watermelon soda and why not beer for the ones don’t drive. Actually I was with my family and our cousins in a Park, where in front of us lies a Lake. Around us there were lot of people who were celebrating this day like we did. This means that on this day very few people have to work. We altogether escaped the heat during that day swimming into the Lake. Whereas, at evening we went to the Central Park of the our City and attended a concert accompanied by patriotic music and country music too. After that, we enjoyed fireworks that were arranged by community.
Independence Day or Fourth of July is a federal patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the United States. All people on this day express and give thanks for the freedom and liberty in honor of the first generation that fought for all of today’s Americans.
Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as “The Fourth of July”. It is anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776.
Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. Many people display the American flag on their homes.
The celebrations have deep roots in the American tradition of political freedom.
My experience with this holiday is almost the same with that of all American people. It is a day of family celebration going to picnic and cooking the food in barbecue and associated with watermelon soda and why not beer for the ones don’t drive. Actually I was with my family and our cousins in a Park, where in front of us lies a Lake. Around us there were lot of people who were celebrating this day like we did. This means that on this day very few people have to work. We altogether escaped the heat during that day swimming into the Lake. Whereas, at evening we went to the Central Park of the our City and attended a concert accompanied by patriotic music and country music too. After that, we enjoyed fireworks that were arranged by community.
Independence Day or Fourth of July is a federal patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the United States. All people on this day express and give thanks for the freedom and liberty in honor of the first generation that fought for all of today’s Americans.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Review test 1 and review test 2 purpose Mrs. Rosemary
Review test 1 (page 337)
1) purpose
2-4) A news report: to inform
A mystery novel: entertain
An editorial: pursuade
5) Attitude and feelings
7) A
8) C
9) B
Review test 2: purpose
1) purpose
2-4) A news report: to inform
A mystery novel: entertain
An editorial: pursuade
5) Attitude and feelings
7) A
8) C
9) B
Review test 2: purpose
Practice 1 Page# 93 Mrs. Kristi
1)The writer gives us (about the women) an overall impression using sight sense.
2)The specific details that support this general impression are: imposing beauty,tall,large-boned,strongly molded,high cheekbones,color of mahogany,did not smile,hold her head very high, abundant black hair slicked up and rolled on the top of her head, her clothing was simple,seemed overwhelming.
3)The writer uses an order of importance.
2)The specific details that support this general impression are: imposing beauty,tall,large-boned,strongly molded,high cheekbones,color of mahogany,did not smile,hold her head very high, abundant black hair slicked up and rolled on the top of her head, her clothing was simple,seemed overwhelming.
3)The writer uses an order of importance.
Monday, June 21, 2010
"An experience in a new contry " Mrs. Kristi
As I decided to move to another country, which I’ve done two times before for variety reasons, and that either time has been as stressful as the first time, I realized that my family and I had to face some issues:
First, settling into new country which means new sights, new people, strange accents or completely new language. Moreover, we had a mix of excitement and anxiety. In addition to that, there are emotional aspects to deal with that come from saying goodbye to family and friends. Also, I was concerned about how I would cope with such an subversion in my life. How would I adjust to live in a new land which varies greatly from person to person and from circumstance to circumstance?
Secondly, I learned about where I was going. One of the important things was to understand and know as much as I could about the place, which has been related to the local culture, customs, religion, moral, ideals and beliefs which are importantly and moreover what are not also.
Certainly, I learned about social rules being aware of what is acceptable and what is not. In some cultures, for example, spitting in the public is considered acceptable while in other countries it is intended extremely offensive behavior. Knowing the history of the country made me to understand some of those customs and behaviors and gave me an insight into the country.
The third, fill out the paperwork. Since at the beginning I made sure I had all the information which needed to obtain items like Social Security numbers, bank accounts and tax numbers, which would make me and my family feel like part of local populace.
In additonal to, Choosing where to live had a dramatic effect to me. This has been related to some issues like public transport, travel time to work, the ambience of the neighborhood I and my family intended to live in, safety, shopping, and cost of living in that area. Also, I liked living into the area that already had a community of similar migrants or strong cultural connections to their homeland. For all of those, my friends' contribution has been valued.
Finally, learning the language was very important because it would help me to achieve new possibility and opportunity for finding a job and so on. Regarding to this fact I remembered once a worker, in the factory where I just started job, asked me about the job, and I was not able to answer what he wanted to know,saying,"I don't speak english." It made me feel embarrased, but he calmly gave me an address in a piece of letter. This address was about school I supposed to attend. This was good advice at that time to learn english. To day I realize that I had to go at school since at the beginning of starting the job, but better late than never.
First, settling into new country which means new sights, new people, strange accents or completely new language. Moreover, we had a mix of excitement and anxiety. In addition to that, there are emotional aspects to deal with that come from saying goodbye to family and friends. Also, I was concerned about how I would cope with such an subversion in my life. How would I adjust to live in a new land which varies greatly from person to person and from circumstance to circumstance?
Secondly, I learned about where I was going. One of the important things was to understand and know as much as I could about the place, which has been related to the local culture, customs, religion, moral, ideals and beliefs which are importantly and moreover what are not also.
Certainly, I learned about social rules being aware of what is acceptable and what is not. In some cultures, for example, spitting in the public is considered acceptable while in other countries it is intended extremely offensive behavior. Knowing the history of the country made me to understand some of those customs and behaviors and gave me an insight into the country.
The third, fill out the paperwork. Since at the beginning I made sure I had all the information which needed to obtain items like Social Security numbers, bank accounts and tax numbers, which would make me and my family feel like part of local populace.
In additonal to, Choosing where to live had a dramatic effect to me. This has been related to some issues like public transport, travel time to work, the ambience of the neighborhood I and my family intended to live in, safety, shopping, and cost of living in that area. Also, I liked living into the area that already had a community of similar migrants or strong cultural connections to their homeland. For all of those, my friends' contribution has been valued.
Finally, learning the language was very important because it would help me to achieve new possibility and opportunity for finding a job and so on. Regarding to this fact I remembered once a worker, in the factory where I just started job, asked me about the job, and I was not able to answer what he wanted to know,saying,"I don't speak english." It made me feel embarrased, but he calmly gave me an address in a piece of letter. This address was about school I supposed to attend. This was good advice at that time to learn english. To day I realize that I had to go at school since at the beginning of starting the job, but better late than never.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
For Mrs. Rosemery
Purpose and Tone: Test A
A. 1(I);2(P);3(E);4(I);5(I);6(P);7(I)
B. 8(C);9(D);10(E)
Argument: Test A
A. (1-4)Group1 (A); group2(B); group3(C); group4(A)
B. Point: selling cigarettes ought to be against the law. (A) (E) (F)
Point: Taking good care of a pet is healthy for the pet owner.(B) (C) (E)
Critical Reading: Test A (fact and Opinion)
A. 1(O);2(O);3(F);4(F);5(OF);6(OF);7(O)
B. 8) sentence#1(O); 9) sentence#2(FO); 10) sentence#3(F)
C. 11)sentence#1(F); 12)sent..#2(OF); 13)sent..#3(F); 14) sent..#4(O); 15)sent..#5(O)
D. 16)O; 17)F; 18)O; 19)F; 20)OF.
Purpose and Tone: Test A
A. 1(I);2(P);3(E);4(I);5(I);6(P);7(I)
B. 8(C);9(D);10(E)
Argument: Test A
A. (1-4)Group1 (A); group2(B); group3(C); group4(A)
B. Point: selling cigarettes ought to be against the law. (A) (E) (F)
Point: Taking good care of a pet is healthy for the pet owner.(B) (C) (E)
Critical Reading: Test A (fact and Opinion)
A. 1(O);2(O);3(F);4(F);5(OF);6(OF);7(O)
B. 8) sentence#1(O); 9) sentence#2(FO); 10) sentence#3(F)
C. 11)sentence#1(F); 12)sent..#2(OF); 13)sent..#3(F); 14) sent..#4(O); 15)sent..#5(O)
D. 16)O; 17)F; 18)O; 19)F; 20)OF.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Discussion Questions # 3 paragraph
#3 Did it suprise you to learn that in modern U.S. society women earn significantly less than men? Explain. In your opinion, what are the causes of the gender gap, and what do you think would have to happen for it to end?
I'm not very suprised, because we know that, in generally, the gender gap is always blatant form in all society in all over the world. This, for the fact, that women compare to men show that women cannot to be capable physically to do the same job like men. In particularly, it happen in certain fields of the economy development of a country such as America, furthermore,it is the most remarkable in undeveloped countries all over the world.
I can mention some of them, for example, in constraction, in huge industry, which are included oil industry, automobile industry,or in agriculture(farming)etc. These are a few significative facts that in modern U.S.society women earn less than men.
I think that this state will continue to exist, especially in the undeveloped countries. Otherwise, in developed countries like U.S., the gender gap would have to happen to end, because these countries would probably modernize whole fields of the development of their economy,so taking place the application of modern electronics in manufacturing processes will be a more reason, which enable the gender inequality in the workplace(the gender gap) almost to end.
I'm not very suprised, because we know that, in generally, the gender gap is always blatant form in all society in all over the world. This, for the fact, that women compare to men show that women cannot to be capable physically to do the same job like men. In particularly, it happen in certain fields of the economy development of a country such as America, furthermore,it is the most remarkable in undeveloped countries all over the world.
I can mention some of them, for example, in constraction, in huge industry, which are included oil industry, automobile industry,or in agriculture(farming)etc. These are a few significative facts that in modern U.S.society women earn less than men.
I think that this state will continue to exist, especially in the undeveloped countries. Otherwise, in developed countries like U.S., the gender gap would have to happen to end, because these countries would probably modernize whole fields of the development of their economy,so taking place the application of modern electronics in manufacturing processes will be a more reason, which enable the gender inequality in the workplace(the gender gap) almost to end.
Monday, June 7, 2010
About the Immigration all over world
In nowadays the immigration is very common in the world, but especially in those countries which have a strong economy. We all know that, at least in America, there are a lot of legal and illegal immigrants. But the question is: should the illegal immigrant be allowed to stay ?
Despite of , what directions the people come from( legal or illegal), the most of them want to stay, and why not, forever in America. But, based in our experience, their drawback is that they don’t feel free which means they can’t work and study, they can’t have medical insurance and it leads they have hard time staying in USA.
What about under conditions the immigrant should stay?
Then, legal immigrant should pay taxes, while illegal don’t, but what is important is that for America’s economy is a harmful, anotherone, once somebody make a crime is very difficult to find that criminal.
As a conclusion, American's government is interested all immigrants in USA being habilitated with all necessary documents that is needed for any independent American citizen. This enable that authorities to take controll on all people that are involved in crime.
To avoid those troubles or issues, the USA government apply a lottery for all immigrants want to enter and live in America.
In nowadays the immigration is very common in the world, but especially in those countries which have a strong economy. We all know that, at least in America, there are a lot of legal and illegal immigrants. But the question is: should the illegal immigrant be allowed to stay ?
Despite of , what directions the people come from( legal or illegal), the most of them want to stay, and why not, forever in America. But, based in our experience, their drawback is that they don’t feel free which means they can’t work and study, they can’t have medical insurance and it leads they have hard time staying in USA.
What about under conditions the immigrant should stay?
Then, legal immigrant should pay taxes, while illegal don’t, but what is important is that for America’s economy is a harmful, anotherone, once somebody make a crime is very difficult to find that criminal.
As a conclusion, American's government is interested all immigrants in USA being habilitated with all necessary documents that is needed for any independent American citizen. This enable that authorities to take controll on all people that are involved in crime.
To avoid those troubles or issues, the USA government apply a lottery for all immigrants want to enter and live in America.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
vocabulary sentences
I’m not writing this in an attempt to brainwash any of you.
The weather promptly changed from sunshine to the storm
If you dwell only in your suffering, you will miss paradise.
Don’t be contemptuous, instead of being benevolent.
I, erroneously taken information about the last lesson.
I’m not writing this in an attempt to brainwash any of you.
The weather promptly changed from sunshine to the storm
If you dwell only in your suffering, you will miss paradise.
Don’t be contemptuous, instead of being benevolent.
I, erroneously taken information about the last lesson.
Practice 5 thinking and Writing together
The point of this story is about the stereotype. This stereotype that writer encountered is about the things that, in this case is a notebook in hand of the women who represents a poet. The older women assumed she was a waitress, for the fact that, she mistook a notebook in poet’s hand, which was a poem, for menus. This wouldn’t have happened as if the poet to had overcome before anyone took her seriously. A such event has happened to me; once I was shopping, and behind me, a couple seniors mistook me for an American. After they heard me speaking Albanian, realized that otherwise, asking me,” are you an Albanian” my answer was, “yes, I am. “ Explaining to me, they mistook me only basing from clothing of mine. Now I think that was a stereotype.
The point of this story is about the stereotype. This stereotype that writer encountered is about the things that, in this case is a notebook in hand of the women who represents a poet. The older women assumed she was a waitress, for the fact that, she mistook a notebook in poet’s hand, which was a poem, for menus. This wouldn’t have happened as if the poet to had overcome before anyone took her seriously. A such event has happened to me; once I was shopping, and behind me, a couple seniors mistook me for an American. After they heard me speaking Albanian, realized that otherwise, asking me,” are you an Albanian” my answer was, “yes, I am. “ Explaining to me, they mistook me only basing from clothing of mine. Now I think that was a stereotype.
An experience in a new country
As I decided to move to another country, which I’ve done it two times for variety reasons, and that either time has been as stressful as the first time, I realized that my family and I had to face with some issues:
The first, settling in to new country which means; new sight, new people, strange accents or completely new language, moreover a mix of excitement and anxiety. In addition to that there are emotional aspects to deal with that come from saying goodbye to family and friends. Also, how I coped with such an subversion in my life. How I will adjust to live in a new land which varies greatly from person to person and from circumstance to circumstance.
Secondly, I learned about where I was going. One of the important things was to understand and know as much as I could about the place, which has been related to the local culture, customs, religion, moral, ideals and beliefs which are importantly and moreover what are not also.
Certainly, I learned about social rules being aware of what is acceptable and what is not. In some cultures, for example, spitting in the public is considered acceptable while in other countries it is intended extremely offensive behavior. Knowing the history of the country made me to understand some of those customs and behaviors and gave me an insight into the country.
The third, fill out the paperwork. Since at the beginning I made sure I had all the information which needed to obtain items like Social Security numbers, bank accounts and tax numbers, which would make me and my family feel like part of local populace.
Another, Choosing where to live had a dramatic effect to me. This has been related to some issues like public transport, travel time to work, the ambience of the neighborhood I and my family intended to live in, safety, shopping, and cost of living in that area. Also, I liked living into the area that already had a community of similar migrants or strong cultural connections to their homeland.
Another, learning the language was very important because it would help me to achieve new possibility and opportunity for finding a job and so on.
The first, settling in to new country which means; new sight, new people, strange accents or completely new language, moreover a mix of excitement and anxiety. In addition to that there are emotional aspects to deal with that come from saying goodbye to family and friends. Also, how I coped with such an subversion in my life. How I will adjust to live in a new land which varies greatly from person to person and from circumstance to circumstance.
Secondly, I learned about where I was going. One of the important things was to understand and know as much as I could about the place, which has been related to the local culture, customs, religion, moral, ideals and beliefs which are importantly and moreover what are not also.
Certainly, I learned about social rules being aware of what is acceptable and what is not. In some cultures, for example, spitting in the public is considered acceptable while in other countries it is intended extremely offensive behavior. Knowing the history of the country made me to understand some of those customs and behaviors and gave me an insight into the country.
The third, fill out the paperwork. Since at the beginning I made sure I had all the information which needed to obtain items like Social Security numbers, bank accounts and tax numbers, which would make me and my family feel like part of local populace.
Another, Choosing where to live had a dramatic effect to me. This has been related to some issues like public transport, travel time to work, the ambience of the neighborhood I and my family intended to live in, safety, shopping, and cost of living in that area. Also, I liked living into the area that already had a community of similar migrants or strong cultural connections to their homeland.
Another, learning the language was very important because it would help me to achieve new possibility and opportunity for finding a job and so on.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Imagine you are Barbara Jewell. Complete the following letter to the Atlanta Journal, the newspaper that first named your son as a suspect in the Olympic bombing. In the letter, say that you are angry that your son was named as a suspect and explain how your lives have changed because of it. Address the issue of a person’s right privacy. Use Rosa Lopez and Oliver Sipple from Reading One as examples of others whose lives the media has damaged.
To the Editor:
Sensationalist reporting is harmful to all people involved and has no place in our society.
Sensationalist reporting effects in entire Oliver Sipple’s daily life.
First, despite of the fact, that Oliver Sipple has never been arrested or charged, staying at home, he feels as a prisoner. Another, he doesn’t want to go for visit to whatever happen on his relatives or friends (either for good or bad). Also, he knows that, all the opinion around him effects dramatically to himself. Finally, all the time he feels with wounded heart.
About Rosa Lopez, it is the same situation. She is associated by photographers and reporters, who taking their peace. Whatever they go the photographers and reporters are present. This state for both is a nightmare indeed and they feel like wounded heart also, they are angry.
As a result of the media’s tolerance for irresponsible reporting, my family and I are a few more victims of sensationalism at its worst. On behalf of all victims of sensationalism, we demand a formal apology.
To the Editor:
Sensationalist reporting is harmful to all people involved and has no place in our society.
Sensationalist reporting effects in entire Oliver Sipple’s daily life.
First, despite of the fact, that Oliver Sipple has never been arrested or charged, staying at home, he feels as a prisoner. Another, he doesn’t want to go for visit to whatever happen on his relatives or friends (either for good or bad). Also, he knows that, all the opinion around him effects dramatically to himself. Finally, all the time he feels with wounded heart.
About Rosa Lopez, it is the same situation. She is associated by photographers and reporters, who taking their peace. Whatever they go the photographers and reporters are present. This state for both is a nightmare indeed and they feel like wounded heart also, they are angry.
As a result of the media’s tolerance for irresponsible reporting, my family and I are a few more victims of sensationalism at its worst. On behalf of all victims of sensationalism, we demand a formal apology.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hello everybody!
My name is Edmond, I'm from Albania and I came in America since 1999. I have two children, daughter and son,respectively Ediola and Aldi. My daughter live in Arizona State and she is married. Her husband Mike is an engineer and she work in hospital as Clinical Laboratory Scientist. They have a daughter. My son is a student in this college, he still study about Physical Therapy,I'm student too. I live with my son in Canton. As all of you, I like to learn English as much as I could, that's why I'm here.
My name is Edmond, I'm from Albania and I came in America since 1999. I have two children, daughter and son,respectively Ediola and Aldi. My daughter live in Arizona State and she is married. Her husband Mike is an engineer and she work in hospital as Clinical Laboratory Scientist. They have a daughter. My son is a student in this college, he still study about Physical Therapy,I'm student too. I live with my son in Canton. As all of you, I like to learn English as much as I could, that's why I'm here.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Arab-Americans react with delight to Lebanese-American Miss USA
This is all about a 24year-old Lebanese-American Rima Fakih who was crowned Miss USA on Sunday.
This is huge event for all America, which happens every year. All pageants are selected of representatives from each state between June 2009 and January 2010. During the final Show on May 16, the fifteen pageants with the highest score are announced.
The 59Th addition of the Miss USA was held at the Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 16, 2010. The winner, Rima Fakih of Michigan represented the United State in Miss Universe 2010 Competition. It was Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton from North Carolina, who crowned her on Sunday. The place erupted in applause when she took the crown. This event was of great importance because it shows that all people were talking about beauty and not about terror.
This shows a signal that Arabic people are part of this great country, it is the part of being American and American dream is still alive. This provide the idea that nobody can tell that a Muslim cannot make it, despite of the fact that there‘s always a little tiny people who are more conservative and don’t like it. Also it indicates instead of always showing the terrorism like part of it, the fact is, she could show the good side of it, the beauty.
This is huge event for all America, which happens every year. All pageants are selected of representatives from each state between June 2009 and January 2010. During the final Show on May 16, the fifteen pageants with the highest score are announced.
The 59Th addition of the Miss USA was held at the Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 16, 2010. The winner, Rima Fakih of Michigan represented the United State in Miss Universe 2010 Competition. It was Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton from North Carolina, who crowned her on Sunday. The place erupted in applause when she took the crown. This event was of great importance because it shows that all people were talking about beauty and not about terror.
This shows a signal that Arabic people are part of this great country, it is the part of being American and American dream is still alive. This provide the idea that nobody can tell that a Muslim cannot make it, despite of the fact that there‘s always a little tiny people who are more conservative and don’t like it. Also it indicates instead of always showing the terrorism like part of it, the fact is, she could show the good side of it, the beauty.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Resume
Edmond Dushku
7400 Windsor Woods Dr. #B2 Canton, MI 48187 734 404-5474
Work well in a high pressure environment.
Self-starting, goal-oriented strategist whose confidence, perseverance and vision promote success.
Quickly learn procedures and methods.
Over 8 years experience in a factory setting.
Organized and efficient.
Enjoy working with people.
Efficient and courteous.
Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Westland Control Systems, Inc. Westland, MI
Panel Technician 6/1/08 to 6/21/08
Followed Blueprints to wire electrical panels.
Read Blueprints and sketches.
Successfully used hand tools to install wiring.
Key Plastics Plymouth, MI
Plastic Molding and Casting Machine Operator Feb 2000 to January 2008
Trimmed flashing from product.
Trained new employees
Successfully handled plastic car parts
Examined molded product for surface defects, such as dents, bubbles, thin areas and cracks.
Observed meters and gauges to verify specified temperatures, pressures and press-cycle times.
Responded to written and verbal requests.
Stacked molded parts in boxes and on conveyor for subsequent processing and left parts in mold to cool.
Self Employed Electrician Korca Albania
Electrician Feb 1990 to Sept 1999
Measured, cut and bent wire and conduit, using measuring instruments and hand tools.
Prepared sketches and followed blueprints to determine the location of wiring and equipment and to ensure conformance to building and safety codes.
Directed and trained workers to install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures.
Planned layout and installation of electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures, based on job specifications and local codes.
Tested electrical systems and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures, using testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters and oscilloscopes, to ensure compatibility and safety of system.
Repaired and replaced wiring, equipment and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools.
Worked from ladders, scaffolds and roofs to install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures.
Performed physically demanding tasks, such as digging trenches to lay conduit and moving and lifting heavy objects.
Used a variety of tools and equipment such as power construction equipment, measuring devices, power tools and testing equipment including oscilloscopes, ammeters and test lamps.
Provided preliminary sketches and cost estimates for materials and services.
Assembled, installed, tested and maintained electrical and electronic wiring, equipment, appliances, apparatus and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools.
Connected wires to circuit breakers, transformers and other components.
Industrial Refrigerating Albania
Maintenance Electrician 1976 to 1996
Installed power supply wiring and conduit for newly installed machines and equipment
• Connected power supply wires to machines and equipment and connected cables and wires between machines and equipment.
Diagnosed malfunctioning apparatuses, such as transformers, motors and lighting fixtures, using test equipment.
Demir Progri (Industrial Vocational School) Albania
High School Diploma (Vocational Electrician, Mechanic) 1972-1976
The Electrician School, Professional Career Development Institute Atlanta, Georgia
Professional Electrician Program 2005
Maintained a <3.7> grade point average.
Financed 100% of trade school through full-time work in a factory.
Albanian 100% Fluent
Upon Request
7400 Windsor Woods Dr. #B2 Canton, MI 48187 734 404-5474
Work well in a high pressure environment.
Self-starting, goal-oriented strategist whose confidence, perseverance and vision promote success.
Quickly learn procedures and methods.
Over 8 years experience in a factory setting.
Organized and efficient.
Enjoy working with people.
Efficient and courteous.
Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Westland Control Systems, Inc. Westland, MI
Panel Technician 6/1/08 to 6/21/08
Followed Blueprints to wire electrical panels.
Read Blueprints and sketches.
Successfully used hand tools to install wiring.
Key Plastics Plymouth, MI
Plastic Molding and Casting Machine Operator Feb 2000 to January 2008
Trimmed flashing from product.
Trained new employees
Successfully handled plastic car parts
Examined molded product for surface defects, such as dents, bubbles, thin areas and cracks.
Observed meters and gauges to verify specified temperatures, pressures and press-cycle times.
Responded to written and verbal requests.
Stacked molded parts in boxes and on conveyor for subsequent processing and left parts in mold to cool.
Self Employed Electrician Korca Albania
Electrician Feb 1990 to Sept 1999
Measured, cut and bent wire and conduit, using measuring instruments and hand tools.
Prepared sketches and followed blueprints to determine the location of wiring and equipment and to ensure conformance to building and safety codes.
Directed and trained workers to install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures.
Planned layout and installation of electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures, based on job specifications and local codes.
Tested electrical systems and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures, using testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters and oscilloscopes, to ensure compatibility and safety of system.
Repaired and replaced wiring, equipment and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools.
Worked from ladders, scaffolds and roofs to install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures.
Performed physically demanding tasks, such as digging trenches to lay conduit and moving and lifting heavy objects.
Used a variety of tools and equipment such as power construction equipment, measuring devices, power tools and testing equipment including oscilloscopes, ammeters and test lamps.
Provided preliminary sketches and cost estimates for materials and services.
Assembled, installed, tested and maintained electrical and electronic wiring, equipment, appliances, apparatus and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools.
Connected wires to circuit breakers, transformers and other components.
Industrial Refrigerating Albania
Maintenance Electrician 1976 to 1996
Installed power supply wiring and conduit for newly installed machines and equipment
• Connected power supply wires to machines and equipment and connected cables and wires between machines and equipment.
Diagnosed malfunctioning apparatuses, such as transformers, motors and lighting fixtures, using test equipment.
Demir Progri (Industrial Vocational School) Albania
High School Diploma (Vocational Electrician, Mechanic) 1972-1976
The Electrician School, Professional Career Development Institute Atlanta, Georgia
Professional Electrician Program 2005
Maintained a <3.7> grade point average.
Financed 100% of trade school through full-time work in a factory.
Albanian 100% Fluent
Upon Request
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The author and his wife decided that “no lies” would be their “one firm parental rule.”
What do you think are some other good parental rules?
The other good parental rules are better to establish in respect to” the white lie.” I think the white lies are important when it comes to children. For example, believing in Santa Claus I think makes childhood more exciting. Maybe we should all believe in magic once in a while. Another example on important white lies is that not telling a child of the child meaning of death, when a grandparent passes a way, a child should not be told of the scary thing, such as burial of grandparent. Not exciting anymore, instead the child should be told a happier thing, such as going to heaven or being with God or even that one day we will all see them again. This is the better way of telling the truth to a child.
The other good parental rules are better to establish in respect to” the white lie.” I think the white lies are important when it comes to children. For example, believing in Santa Claus I think makes childhood more exciting. Maybe we should all believe in magic once in a while. Another example on important white lies is that not telling a child of the child meaning of death, when a grandparent passes a way, a child should not be told of the scary thing, such as burial of grandparent. Not exciting anymore, instead the child should be told a happier thing, such as going to heaven or being with God or even that one day we will all see them again. This is the better way of telling the truth to a child.
Friday, April 23, 2010
What is a Random Acts of Kindness Definition from a Source?
Random acts of kindness are gestures that are completed for a stranger or acquaintance with the expectation that nothing will be received in return. Random acts of kindness should not make either individual feel uncomfortable. Random acts of kindness comprise several features which are:
The National Communication Association states:
Perception: For example, while shopping at a mall you notice that another shopper drops her glove. You quickly pick up the glove and hand it to her saying, “Is this your glove?” You have stopped what you were doing and approached the other shopper. In this instance, based on your perceptions, you believe that this stranger would be appreciative of your random act of kindness.
Eye-contact: For example, direct eye gaze when thanking a stranger for holding an elevator door can show sincere appreciation. Proxemics: For example, a random act of kindness that I’ve noticed at restaurants is strangers giving up their seats or moving over on a bench when waiting to be seated.Facial expressions: When we smile or use other facial expressions to ease potential awkwardness in the interaction, and then, the other person receptives your random act of kindness. Verbal communication: When holding a door for a stranger there is an expectation that the other person will respond with an implied “Thank You!” so we have noticed that the person does not say “thank you.” Reciprocal Interactions: When someone on a cold winter morning decide to scrap the ice off her/his neighbor’s car in the parking lot of their apartment building before she /he scraped the snow off her/his car. The same thing the other neighbor does. After come out, the neighbor starts scraping snow of the first one’s car. The many instances, random acts of kindness illustrate the reciprocal nature of our interactions. This material is elicited from the National Communication Association.
We have encountered in daily life Random acts of Kindness from the strangers everywhere. For example, a year ago, I had a car accident. After it happened, two strangers, who were a man and a woman without knowing who I was, got closer to me and asked, “How do you feel byddy?”, I answered, “I'm fine, thank you!”, and they said again, “Don’t be concerned, everything should be okay, it was somebodyelses’s fault, not yours.” Finally, I assumed they witnessed what happened and stayed until the police arrived to the accident place to testify who really caused the car accident.
I certainly believe the researches because of, they have treated giving examples,which are drawn from daily life. A nother hand, they enable all of us to understand that, random act of kindness should be viewed as meaningful interactions,even though, they may be impromptu and brief. Moreover we all are involved in such moments, when we often act like tha with other persons, who make us perceive that he/she need help and would be receptive to a random act of kindness.
As a conclusion, random act of kindness emphasizes the opinion that even though a gesture may be brief and viewed as meaningless, these gestures are known because strangers and acquaintances openly care about the well-being of the others around them.
The National Communication Association states:
Perception: For example, while shopping at a mall you notice that another shopper drops her glove. You quickly pick up the glove and hand it to her saying, “Is this your glove?” You have stopped what you were doing and approached the other shopper. In this instance, based on your perceptions, you believe that this stranger would be appreciative of your random act of kindness.
Eye-contact: For example, direct eye gaze when thanking a stranger for holding an elevator door can show sincere appreciation. Proxemics: For example, a random act of kindness that I’ve noticed at restaurants is strangers giving up their seats or moving over on a bench when waiting to be seated.Facial expressions: When we smile or use other facial expressions to ease potential awkwardness in the interaction, and then, the other person receptives your random act of kindness. Verbal communication: When holding a door for a stranger there is an expectation that the other person will respond with an implied “Thank You!” so we have noticed that the person does not say “thank you.” Reciprocal Interactions: When someone on a cold winter morning decide to scrap the ice off her/his neighbor’s car in the parking lot of their apartment building before she /he scraped the snow off her/his car. The same thing the other neighbor does. After come out, the neighbor starts scraping snow of the first one’s car. The many instances, random acts of kindness illustrate the reciprocal nature of our interactions. This material is elicited from the National Communication Association.
We have encountered in daily life Random acts of Kindness from the strangers everywhere. For example, a year ago, I had a car accident. After it happened, two strangers, who were a man and a woman without knowing who I was, got closer to me and asked, “How do you feel byddy?”, I answered, “I'm fine, thank you!”, and they said again, “Don’t be concerned, everything should be okay, it was somebodyelses’s fault, not yours.” Finally, I assumed they witnessed what happened and stayed until the police arrived to the accident place to testify who really caused the car accident.
I certainly believe the researches because of, they have treated giving examples,which are drawn from daily life. A nother hand, they enable all of us to understand that, random act of kindness should be viewed as meaningful interactions,even though, they may be impromptu and brief. Moreover we all are involved in such moments, when we often act like tha with other persons, who make us perceive that he/she need help and would be receptive to a random act of kindness.
As a conclusion, random act of kindness emphasizes the opinion that even though a gesture may be brief and viewed as meaningless, these gestures are known because strangers and acquaintances openly care about the well-being of the others around them.
Monday, April 19, 2010
My favorite meal
Salmon can be grilled,baked or broiled.
In fact, I'm not distinguishable by preparing meal because, in my family I never forced to do it. However, my favorite meal is salmon baked in the oven, which is prepared in various ways. The simple way is the best for me.
How it is prepared. Before we start to prepare the salmon to be ready to cook, we have to preheat the oven in proper temperature closer to 350 grade F. This is right no to overcook salmon. We also get a baking sheet and aluminium foil to cook the fish, this will help us for clean up later. Then, since the salmon is cut into appropriate portions, I add, whatever flawer to the salmon portions, a little lemon, olive oil and salt as it needed. After, I put baking sheet with the salmon into the oven. Finally, I bake the salmon about 10-12 minute, it depends on the thickness of portions,so it is ready to eat.
In fact, I'm not distinguishable by preparing meal because, in my family I never forced to do it. However, my favorite meal is salmon baked in the oven, which is prepared in various ways. The simple way is the best for me.
How it is prepared. Before we start to prepare the salmon to be ready to cook, we have to preheat the oven in proper temperature closer to 350 grade F. This is right no to overcook salmon. We also get a baking sheet and aluminium foil to cook the fish, this will help us for clean up later. Then, since the salmon is cut into appropriate portions, I add, whatever flawer to the salmon portions, a little lemon, olive oil and salt as it needed. After, I put baking sheet with the salmon into the oven. Finally, I bake the salmon about 10-12 minute, it depends on the thickness of portions,so it is ready to eat.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Capital Punishment or Death Penalty
The opinions about death penalty are pro and con. At first glance, both for and against it bring out the facts which are conclusive, therefore I see myself almost in the middle position or closer to the capital punishment. However, I agree with the capital punishment when: the first, it is related to the question of deterrence, the second, to the serial killers, and finally, when the defendant’s crime is proved by the DNA test.
The three reasons are very important to declare the defendant guilty. I agree with this. Then I will try to explain below.
The first, I rely, based on information, Ernest Van Den Hog, a professor of Jurisprudence who has studied the question of deterrence, closely wrote: “ Even though statistics are not conclusive, and perhaps cannot be, capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishment because of people fear death more than anything else”. Whatever people fear most is likely to deter most. Vicious criminal must be killed to prevent murdering again, so death penalty helps to prevent future crimes.
Second, according to the Google’s evidences, the serial killer’s case who shocked the nation, whose name is Dennis Rader. He was president of the church council at Christ Lutheran and Boy scout Leader. Rader admitted killing 10 people in Wichita area between 1974-1991. Serial killer knowing as B.T.K.- the self coined nickname that stands for” Bind, Torture, Kill.” Disturbed media and police with cryptic messages.
Finally, D.N.A. test is critical proof that the defendant has committed the crime. D.N.A. testing is useful when used, many states refuse to use this test for the accused that are in jail. This fact I like to illustrate due to an evidence based on
Using DNA enable Justice to put in jail as called B.T.K. The Wichita Attorney Nola Foulston spent almost 20 years chasing the serial killer who called himself BTK. When DNA testing became available they took that from Rader’s daughter who had been in the hospital. The hospital gave to investigators a sample of the daughter’s DNA, so within 24 hours they proof it was match. That’s all police needed to pick up Dennis Rader.
In contrast, a former Texas district attorney from San Antonio, recently called for D.N.A. testing in the case of Hank Skinner, who is scheduled for execution on March 24. Texas has refused so far, even the state has blocked DNA testing of key pieces of evidence, including a knife that might be the murder weapon and a man’s windbreaker found next to the victim’s body, which had blood, sweat and hair on it. Skinner’s attorney failed to investigate another potential suspect, a man who was a relative of the victim and wore a windbreaker like the one found at the murder scene. Former Texas attorney stated, “ Since 1973, 139 people in 26 states have been released from death row based on evidence of their innocence. Many of these people were freed because of DNA evidence. But it works only if we use it… It is case like Skinner’s that ended my support of the death penalty. Any system driven by the decisions of human beings will produce mistakes.”
As conclusion DNA testing is crucial to sentence a criminal with death penalty, and persuade all people that support the death penalty. Whereas, the last evidence indicate that’s why there are various individuals opposed enforcing the death penalty.
The three reasons are very important to declare the defendant guilty. I agree with this. Then I will try to explain below.
The first, I rely, based on information, Ernest Van Den Hog, a professor of Jurisprudence who has studied the question of deterrence, closely wrote: “ Even though statistics are not conclusive, and perhaps cannot be, capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishment because of people fear death more than anything else”. Whatever people fear most is likely to deter most. Vicious criminal must be killed to prevent murdering again, so death penalty helps to prevent future crimes.
Second, according to the Google’s evidences, the serial killer’s case who shocked the nation, whose name is Dennis Rader. He was president of the church council at Christ Lutheran and Boy scout Leader. Rader admitted killing 10 people in Wichita area between 1974-1991. Serial killer knowing as B.T.K.- the self coined nickname that stands for” Bind, Torture, Kill.” Disturbed media and police with cryptic messages.
Finally, D.N.A. test is critical proof that the defendant has committed the crime. D.N.A. testing is useful when used, many states refuse to use this test for the accused that are in jail. This fact I like to illustrate due to an evidence based on
Using DNA enable Justice to put in jail as called B.T.K. The Wichita Attorney Nola Foulston spent almost 20 years chasing the serial killer who called himself BTK. When DNA testing became available they took that from Rader’s daughter who had been in the hospital. The hospital gave to investigators a sample of the daughter’s DNA, so within 24 hours they proof it was match. That’s all police needed to pick up Dennis Rader.
In contrast, a former Texas district attorney from San Antonio, recently called for D.N.A. testing in the case of Hank Skinner, who is scheduled for execution on March 24. Texas has refused so far, even the state has blocked DNA testing of key pieces of evidence, including a knife that might be the murder weapon and a man’s windbreaker found next to the victim’s body, which had blood, sweat and hair on it. Skinner’s attorney failed to investigate another potential suspect, a man who was a relative of the victim and wore a windbreaker like the one found at the murder scene. Former Texas attorney stated, “ Since 1973, 139 people in 26 states have been released from death row based on evidence of their innocence. Many of these people were freed because of DNA evidence. But it works only if we use it… It is case like Skinner’s that ended my support of the death penalty. Any system driven by the decisions of human beings will produce mistakes.”
As conclusion DNA testing is crucial to sentence a criminal with death penalty, and persuade all people that support the death penalty. Whereas, the last evidence indicate that’s why there are various individuals opposed enforcing the death penalty.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Child Rearing
The psychologists have argued that there are many different variations of parenting styles. A parenting style is a way to describe how a parent rears their children. There are three child rearing styles.
Authoritarian parents, Permissive parents, and Authoritative parents.
The Authoritarians parents on the way that they rear their children indicate that their children are not allowed to think freely or make decision on their own, but they are supposed to have problems with thinking of themselves. Permissive parent lets the children having control. All the rules are indulgent, as result the children don’t recognize the rules that they have broken, they know that no matter what they are doing-right or wrong- important is they will not be punished.
Authoritative style is my prefer choice. Authoritative rearing style, generally exercise a pronounced control when it’s necessary, while they explain why they act like that, and encourage children to be free, and how they think about any issue. For example, a child who spreads his own toys on floor may be told not to do this because “Someone could trip on them and get hurt and the toys might be damaged. They feel assertive reinforcing this style of rearing in their children. They respect the children’s interests, opinions and teach them to be responsible, also rewarding them. For example, they give choices to them : for toddler the choice may be “red shirts or strip shirts”, while older child the choice might be “ apple, orange or banana.”
Authoritative parents interweave control with encouragement and love. This makes children to be self-reliant, want their parents are expected the children to perform and carry out their duties in family. For example, “ who will mop or who will carry out the trash.”Also, authoritative parents know when the children are meeting expectations and when it causes on their parent’s displeasure which risks to pursue some others goals. For example, the children seem openly, reasonable, self-reliant, self –controlled, exploratory, and content.
However, psychologists that are deal with studies have raised some difficulty issues, which apparently depends between child and parent’s temperament. It is not much easier to choice the child rearing, unless it is suitable to the child’s temperament. For example, a easy children is likely to possess an authoritative attitude from their parents. This is very significant based on our experience.
The psychologists have argued that there are many different variations of parenting styles. A parenting style is a way to describe how a parent rears their children. There are three child rearing styles.
Authoritarian parents, Permissive parents, and Authoritative parents.
The Authoritarians parents on the way that they rear their children indicate that their children are not allowed to think freely or make decision on their own, but they are supposed to have problems with thinking of themselves. Permissive parent lets the children having control. All the rules are indulgent, as result the children don’t recognize the rules that they have broken, they know that no matter what they are doing-right or wrong- important is they will not be punished.
Authoritative style is my prefer choice. Authoritative rearing style, generally exercise a pronounced control when it’s necessary, while they explain why they act like that, and encourage children to be free, and how they think about any issue. For example, a child who spreads his own toys on floor may be told not to do this because “Someone could trip on them and get hurt and the toys might be damaged. They feel assertive reinforcing this style of rearing in their children. They respect the children’s interests, opinions and teach them to be responsible, also rewarding them. For example, they give choices to them : for toddler the choice may be “red shirts or strip shirts”, while older child the choice might be “ apple, orange or banana.”
Authoritative parents interweave control with encouragement and love. This makes children to be self-reliant, want their parents are expected the children to perform and carry out their duties in family. For example, “ who will mop or who will carry out the trash.”Also, authoritative parents know when the children are meeting expectations and when it causes on their parent’s displeasure which risks to pursue some others goals. For example, the children seem openly, reasonable, self-reliant, self –controlled, exploratory, and content.
However, psychologists that are deal with studies have raised some difficulty issues, which apparently depends between child and parent’s temperament. It is not much easier to choice the child rearing, unless it is suitable to the child’s temperament. For example, a easy children is likely to possess an authoritative attitude from their parents. This is very significant based on our experience.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Are US foreign policies good or bad?
Everyone of us can express their thoughts regarding this topic, despite of the fact we’re not expert, but some opinions we can give. First of all, America is a superpower compare to some other countries in the world. From this point of view US of America play a great role on all over in the world. Let’s remember what happened in Balkans’ country like Albania known as the most dictatorial communist country in the world, where the people had not the right to express what they thought against communist regime otherwise they would end up in jail or death penalty. Also in Kosovo,BosnjaHercegovina under domination of the Serbia, which killed thousands of innocent people, for the same reasons and in the Iraq people under Saddam regime. So, it was just America the one, which with its own foreign policies enable those countries to enjoy the freedom to day. Second is America the one which recently helped the country in need like Haiti, some African countries, because most of them live in poverty and misery. Another, America is the one that attempt to stop tendency of the Iran and North Korea about the production of the nuclear weapon. Finally, America is on top compare to all countries in the world which is taking measure for preventing as called global warm. So all of those indicate that if US foreign policies are good or bad, I say the mostly are good.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A true friend is someone who sees and encourages the best in us
Everyone needs a true friend in their lifetime, because in throughout our life we face with lot of issues, so at that time a good friend is very important when somebody is in need.
A true friend that has always been there for me, who has supported, and encouraged me, is my wife’s cousin, who has helped me in many ways and I am happy to have him in my life.
Once when I was in a car accident and my car was totaled, he has stood by me and has helped me to fix my car.
I remember that for me that time has been very difficult, because my wife was sick and I had no car to go at hospital and care for her, so his help at that time was much appreciated.
I never thought that my car could be fixed so I decided to give it up; I would have left the vehicle in the junk yard, if he did not help fixing it. He insisted and encouraged me, saying, “We can do it,” and then working together, it did get fixed.
It is because of him, that today I am still driving that car. His help and support always is present to my family, so we stay together, help and advice each other out also, do the best job we can.
As a conclusion, due to a saying which, immediately comes into my mind, states, “A friend in need, is a good friend indeed.”
A true friend that has always been there for me, who has supported, and encouraged me, is my wife’s cousin, who has helped me in many ways and I am happy to have him in my life.
Once when I was in a car accident and my car was totaled, he has stood by me and has helped me to fix my car.
I remember that for me that time has been very difficult, because my wife was sick and I had no car to go at hospital and care for her, so his help at that time was much appreciated.
I never thought that my car could be fixed so I decided to give it up; I would have left the vehicle in the junk yard, if he did not help fixing it. He insisted and encouraged me, saying, “We can do it,” and then working together, it did get fixed.
It is because of him, that today I am still driving that car. His help and support always is present to my family, so we stay together, help and advice each other out also, do the best job we can.
As a conclusion, due to a saying which, immediately comes into my mind, states, “A friend in need, is a good friend indeed.”
Sunday, March 21, 2010
What is St Patrick’s Day?
Saint Patrick’s Day is yearly celebrated on March 17 which honors Ireland’s patron saint. Every year this holiday is widely celebrated by Irish in Europe, even since ninth and tenth centuries. Today except the Irish people, it is celebrated in America, Argentina, Australia, Canada etc. This holiday is associated with a number of activities. At first the people go to the church and pray for that day, and in afternoon the people participate in multi-day celebration, they go to the restaurant drink and feast on a traditional meal like Irish bacon, cabbage, and drink green beer.
Patrick’s Day is associated about another tradition as called “Wearing of Green.” All people participating in this celebration wear ribbons and shamrocks which is a three-leaved plant. This plant is a personification of Holy Trinty, and explain it to pagan Irish. The Holy Trinty as Christian doctrine teaches unity of father, son, and Holy spirit as three persons in one Godhead.
Finally, each year lot of people line parade, while, in Chicago dye the green vegetable making river green. The parade is the World’s oldest and largest in United States, over 150.000 people participate on it. To day in Chicago, in order to minimize environmental damage only 40 pound dye are used making river green, and doing that, the people like as unique way to celebrate the Patrick’s Day.
Saint Patrick’s Day is yearly celebrated on March 17 which honors Ireland’s patron saint. Every year this holiday is widely celebrated by Irish in Europe, even since ninth and tenth centuries. Today except the Irish people, it is celebrated in America, Argentina, Australia, Canada etc. This holiday is associated with a number of activities. At first the people go to the church and pray for that day, and in afternoon the people participate in multi-day celebration, they go to the restaurant drink and feast on a traditional meal like Irish bacon, cabbage, and drink green beer.
Patrick’s Day is associated about another tradition as called “Wearing of Green.” All people participating in this celebration wear ribbons and shamrocks which is a three-leaved plant. This plant is a personification of Holy Trinty, and explain it to pagan Irish. The Holy Trinty as Christian doctrine teaches unity of father, son, and Holy spirit as three persons in one Godhead.
Finally, each year lot of people line parade, while, in Chicago dye the green vegetable making river green. The parade is the World’s oldest and largest in United States, over 150.000 people participate on it. To day in Chicago, in order to minimize environmental damage only 40 pound dye are used making river green, and doing that, the people like as unique way to celebrate the Patrick’s Day.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tahiti 3D
Tahiti 3D
The views in the movie and from the way that those was introduced have been very impressive to me, because for me was the first time to watch this type of movie. The interesting thing was that during the watching movie was the using 3D glasses, which enable us to experience an amazing understanding and feeling way of the movie. We noticed that due to the high technique of the montage of the shots, of course, with the aid of the3D glasses showed in front of us that every breaking waves’motion and skill of the surfers swimming on top of them, was described in detail, and very clear. Some fantastic views, for example, when the fishes looked like they swim almost very closer in the front of my face, and the other when the waves flap our faces and it looked like we were under water.
The views in the movie and from the way that those was introduced have been very impressive to me, because for me was the first time to watch this type of movie. The interesting thing was that during the watching movie was the using 3D glasses, which enable us to experience an amazing understanding and feeling way of the movie. We noticed that due to the high technique of the montage of the shots, of course, with the aid of the3D glasses showed in front of us that every breaking waves’motion and skill of the surfers swimming on top of them, was described in detail, and very clear. Some fantastic views, for example, when the fishes looked like they swim almost very closer in the front of my face, and the other when the waves flap our faces and it looked like we were under water.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Justice or in-justice
Tell a story of Justice or in-justice
Throughout our lifetime we encounter justice or in-justice, this is life.
Let me tell a story that describes justice and in-justice, which has remained in my mind for a long time.
Many years ago my family decided to move to a new apartment building, of course it’s been recommended by our relatives, because they wanted us to be closer to them.
As soon as we agreed, my son and I went to check the place out. At first the building manager appeared to be “very polite” and “helpful”. Anyway, she showed us a model of the apartment, we were soon to get. So far, we were very pleased and very excited to make the move.
So, based on rule and policy, we had to complete an application process, and un-refundable security deposit was to be paid.
A couple of days later, I went to pick up the keys and take a look at our new apartment. I locked the apartment door and to my astonishment, a mess appeared in front of my eyes. The ceiling had cracks, the walls chipped paint, the carpet had cigarette burns, stains all over, a foul smell came from the kitchen.
I notified the building manager what found out, but I wondered, her response revolted me. She used an excuse that she was aware that the conditions of the apartment was an "as is" rent.
As I realized, she was literally a cheater, because she deliberately misrepresent the conditions of the apartment we would live, taking advantage by the fact, that we had to paid un-refundable security deposit earlier to the amount of $250. This was unacceptable for me,even though,I suggested her for another apartment, but she did not take it in consideration.
Finally we really got upset, and felt robbed of the way she behaved towards us.
Certainly, the court resolved the whole story, and we got the money back, but the important thing is that,there are such sort of people somewhere around us,who have defects inside their own character. Episodes like these there are everywhere, but I just tried to tell one of theme, which contains the concept of justice and in-justice, we sometimes deal with.
Throughout our lifetime we encounter justice or in-justice, this is life.
Let me tell a story that describes justice and in-justice, which has remained in my mind for a long time.
Many years ago my family decided to move to a new apartment building, of course it’s been recommended by our relatives, because they wanted us to be closer to them.
As soon as we agreed, my son and I went to check the place out. At first the building manager appeared to be “very polite” and “helpful”. Anyway, she showed us a model of the apartment, we were soon to get. So far, we were very pleased and very excited to make the move.
So, based on rule and policy, we had to complete an application process, and un-refundable security deposit was to be paid.
A couple of days later, I went to pick up the keys and take a look at our new apartment. I locked the apartment door and to my astonishment, a mess appeared in front of my eyes. The ceiling had cracks, the walls chipped paint, the carpet had cigarette burns, stains all over, a foul smell came from the kitchen.
I notified the building manager what found out, but I wondered, her response revolted me. She used an excuse that she was aware that the conditions of the apartment was an "as is" rent.
As I realized, she was literally a cheater, because she deliberately misrepresent the conditions of the apartment we would live, taking advantage by the fact, that we had to paid un-refundable security deposit earlier to the amount of $250. This was unacceptable for me,even though,I suggested her for another apartment, but she did not take it in consideration.
Finally we really got upset, and felt robbed of the way she behaved towards us.
Certainly, the court resolved the whole story, and we got the money back, but the important thing is that,there are such sort of people somewhere around us,who have defects inside their own character. Episodes like these there are everywhere, but I just tried to tell one of theme, which contains the concept of justice and in-justice, we sometimes deal with.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

The best Place in the World
In the heart of the Mediterranian on the Adriatic and Ionion Sea,Albania is becoming too fast one of the World's most interesting gateway. Turists will notice an inspiring mixture of civilization and cultures- making the European country truly unique.
The first recorded inhabitants in the territory of Albania were Illyrians an Indo-Europian people. The Illyrian tribes resided in the region of modern Albania named Taulantii, Parthini,etc. Thus Albanian populations inherit Illyrian tribe's legacy.
Albania is located in Balcan peninsula. It is bordering Montenegro to the northwest, Macedonia to the east, and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a Coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west, and on the Ionian Sea to the southwest.
The Albanian people are the most ancient in the Balcan, as well as it's language,which is spoken only in Albania.
Some of traditions of the Albanian population is hospitality and culture.
Albania has an incredibly hospitable culture and the it's particular tradition of cortesy.
The hospitality and the cortesy are closely related to the nation, which is similar to that of the sacred guest from Homer and clasical literature, also from "The Code" a 15th-century text written by the powerful "Dukagjin Clan". As stated in the Code, the guest must be shown highest respect by being offered a seat at the head of the table.The guest is then regaled with a homemade strong drink called Raki.
Albanians are friendly and very open towards foreigners that visit their country.
Albania has a mild Mediterranean climate. Many visitors will find that it never gets cold in the lowlands. The Ionian Coast, in particular, is 8-10C (46-56F)in winter season. The country enjoys a good deal of sunny weather with average of around 300 sunny days. Throughout the evening and night in the larger cities, young people enjoy pubs, nightclub, disco-music and karaoke, the others stroll the through the boulevards, beside the Sea in the shore, and in the parks.
A variety of sport, fishing, hiking, leisure activities as bowling, billiard, skiing in snow in winter season, also there is a rich cultural life, where can find diferent theatrical,musical, movie, shows are available in Tirana, Durres, Vlora,Korca my home city, Elbasan, Gjirokastra and Saranda.
Almost all over Albania tourists can buy variety of souvenirs, the famous Albanian cognac known by name "Scanderbeg"
Albania is small country with an area of 28.748sq km (about 11000sq mil),and the most of it's territory is mountainous. There are many rivers and some of them are extensively managed to generate hydro-electricity. The shore of Albania is nearly 450km (280 mile).
Along this shore is an mountain called Llogara over 1000m (3,300 ft),which is very interesting by tourists, who can enjoy the shore at the foot of the mountain, but higher up can enjoy thick pine forest.
Also there are a number of Lakes, which are distinguished by their beautiful landscaps, an unique species of fish, among them koran and belushka, which are very expensive in market, but dilicious after cooking. Over a third of the territory of Albania is forested and very rich in flora. The forest are home to a wide range of animals such as wolves, bears, wild boars etc.
This is my homeland,the best place in the World.
Monday, February 15, 2010
President Day
Ronald Wilson Reagan was the 40th President of the United States.
Prior to his political career, Reagan was famous actor.
His start in politics was as a member of the Democratic Party, but he switched to the Republican Party in 1962. He won both the nomination and election in 1980.
He was very popular at that time. Reagan implemented Sweeping new political and economic initiatives. He changed lot of country in Europe from the dictatorship to the democracy.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was the 40th President of the United States.
Prior to his political career, Reagan was famous actor.
His start in politics was as a member of the Democratic Party, but he switched to the Republican Party in 1962. He won both the nomination and election in 1980.
He was very popular at that time. Reagan implemented Sweeping new political and economic initiatives. He changed lot of country in Europe from the dictatorship to the democracy.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Losing You
This poem I've chosen in memory of my wife.
I'd never thought this day would come,
Where my true love would leave me,
I know you see me all tore up inside,
But what else is there to do but cry,
You are watching over me day and night,
And you can feel my pain inside,
You tried to stay here on earth for me,
But God called upon you and wanted you with him,
The reason I'm still living is,
I know your waiting for turn to go,
And every time I feel like dying,
I think what would you want me to do,
By Judy Dokuyper Published 1/27/2009
In memory of my dearly wife Elvira who died in August 30 2009
She struggled over two years in the hospital enduring all medical intervetion
with peerless courage.
She will remain in our thoughts as an wonderful woman, as an wife, and darling mother, like she was indeed.
We will never ever forget her for all the rest of our lives.
This poem I've chosen in memory of my wife.
I'd never thought this day would come,
Where my true love would leave me,
I know you see me all tore up inside,
But what else is there to do but cry,
You are watching over me day and night,
And you can feel my pain inside,
You tried to stay here on earth for me,
But God called upon you and wanted you with him,
The reason I'm still living is,
I know your waiting for turn to go,
And every time I feel like dying,
I think what would you want me to do,
By Judy Dokuyper Published 1/27/2009
In memory of my dearly wife Elvira who died in August 30 2009
She struggled over two years in the hospital enduring all medical intervetion
with peerless courage.
She will remain in our thoughts as an wonderful woman, as an wife, and darling mother, like she was indeed.
We will never ever forget her for all the rest of our lives.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Describe five senses
Edmond Dushku
Kristi Stewart
ELI 05/06
I heard that my cellphone was ringing, so I stretched my hand to reach the cellphone.
Through the cellphone my cousin invited me to go with him, because he had decided to buy a new car. As I realized, he bagged my opinion about car's color he wanted to buy. Any way, my answer was: " I'll be ready in couple of hours." I immediately got up and walked to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. While, I looked in mirror and touched my chin, so I had to shave it. After I did it, as usualy after shave, I put little bit Ice Blu to cool the face's skin, which smelled good. I went toward the refrigerator and grabbed couple of eggs, some pancakes, and a few strips bacon. Afer I cooked my breakfast, I ate that. I realized the breakfast was very delicious.
Kristi Stewart
ELI 05/06
I heard that my cellphone was ringing, so I stretched my hand to reach the cellphone.
Through the cellphone my cousin invited me to go with him, because he had decided to buy a new car. As I realized, he bagged my opinion about car's color he wanted to buy. Any way, my answer was: " I'll be ready in couple of hours." I immediately got up and walked to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. While, I looked in mirror and touched my chin, so I had to shave it. After I did it, as usualy after shave, I put little bit Ice Blu to cool the face's skin, which smelled good. I went toward the refrigerator and grabbed couple of eggs, some pancakes, and a few strips bacon. Afer I cooked my breakfast, I ate that. I realized the breakfast was very delicious.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Inspiration
People that came from a diferent country and became successful, inspire me. My cousin is one of those. The first thing he did as soon as he came in America was to be educated by going to school. The finishing school made him to take the other steps. Finally, he opened a restaurant, and manages all restaurant' activity. That's why I made decision to go to school.
Family get together
Family get together is very interesting to me, that's why I picked it. We can invite my mother, uncle, aunt, father and mother in law,sister, brother,sister in law, brother in law, grand child,nephew, niece, first cousins. All together we are going to celebrate, birthday, 4th of July, Flagday, or a graduation. This party we can celebrate at our house, at a restaurant, or a picnic in the backyard or at a park. Usually we arrange it on a weekend, holidays or other day. Organizing such a day is very important because we have the opportunity to see everyone, therefore we have not seen each other for a period of time. There are a lot of activities of which we can mention a few, for instance, dancing, playing various games, cooking barbecue, drinking, having funny conversations, singing songs, toast and wishing each other to be successful on their jobs or business, and for a better life.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What is my goal
The goal is to learn to write to read to translate very well. When I will reach this goal,I will feel more confident writer. this chapter present a brief overview. But I've learnd to write paragraph with five sentences each. After I finish the paragraph,I perform the steps as prewrite,write, and revis. During prewrite phrase,writer should give some thought to their subject, audience,and purpose.
Keeping my audience in my mind help me to know what information to include
Keeping my audience in my mind help me to know what information to include
Three Paragraphs
I wish to go for visit to my daughter who live in Arizona . She is married and She has a daughter. My daughter's name is Ediola, and her husband's name is Mike Begley. My daugher works at hospital at laboratory. Her husband is an engineer in a company.
My daughter always call me by telephone and she ask me for any issue that I can have. She is willing to help me in each moment. I went to their home in Arizona because I was invited by my daughter and her husband to stay with them about a few days.I had a good time just because they accompanied me wherever we went for visit. I met many their friend.
When I was for visit in Arizona it was Christmas, we exchange gift with each other and we also went to a restaurant to eat dinner. I spent the most of the time with my grand daughter her name is Lauren. She is beautiful and just started to walk by her self. I played with her, and assembled some toys that we bought in store for her. She tried to speak some words but I think is early yet for her to walk anyway.
My daughter always call me by telephone and she ask me for any issue that I can have. She is willing to help me in each moment. I went to their home in Arizona because I was invited by my daughter and her husband to stay with them about a few days.I had a good time just because they accompanied me wherever we went for visit. I met many their friend.
When I was for visit in Arizona it was Christmas, we exchange gift with each other and we also went to a restaurant to eat dinner. I spent the most of the time with my grand daughter her name is Lauren. She is beautiful and just started to walk by her self. I played with her, and assembled some toys that we bought in store for her. She tried to speak some words but I think is early yet for her to walk anyway.
Who am I
I am from Albania. My country is in Europe and it is lies next to Macedonia. My country is beautifully and very nice to live. In my country there are lots forests and to many mines.There are lot of mountains, rivers, fields, sea and to many others.
I like to read books,even lot of kind of books. Reading books will prepare me to be able to speak and to understand very well English. This will be an hope that I to study later in college. This is the one I want to reach in future. Finally, I am going to prepare to get a better job, which would be my dream come true.
My family is made up of two members, who are Aldi and I. Aldi is my soon,but I have a daughter. They are wonderful kids so I am proud of them. They have always support me, when I have been going through some difficult times, staying close to me to resolve the problems that we're faced. Aldi is a student at Henry Ford Community College, while my daughter Ediola lives in Arizona with her husband they have a daughter 15 months hold. My daugher works at hospital in laboratory, since She graduated from Arizona University, as Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
I like to read books,even lot of kind of books. Reading books will prepare me to be able to speak and to understand very well English. This will be an hope that I to study later in college. This is the one I want to reach in future. Finally, I am going to prepare to get a better job, which would be my dream come true.
My family is made up of two members, who are Aldi and I. Aldi is my soon,but I have a daughter. They are wonderful kids so I am proud of them. They have always support me, when I have been going through some difficult times, staying close to me to resolve the problems that we're faced. Aldi is a student at Henry Ford Community College, while my daughter Ediola lives in Arizona with her husband they have a daughter 15 months hold. My daugher works at hospital in laboratory, since She graduated from Arizona University, as Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
My Favorite Things
My favorite things are a lot, but I would like to mention some of them. The first thing is to learn more and more English,that is my goal. That is the only reason that I recently made a decision to go to school. This means a lot to me, because I see that to live in America need to know how to speak, translate and understand english very well. This will help me to get a better job, that's why I made that decision.
The second thing is the music, I am always listening to music when I am driving my car. I prefer country music, and I love it so much. By the way I know of many singers like Alan Jackson, Kenny Rogers, Kenny Chesney,Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Reba Mc Cuintar and so many others. Listening to their songs make me feel happy and relaxed also gets me in a good mood to be ready to go to work. I addition to this, I like to watch concerts because I like it when they perform on stage, live.
And the third thing is traveling. As matter of fact I have traveled to a few different states like Arizona and Las Vegas. I have also traveled to other countries like Canada, Albania and Greece. When I was in Arizona I had an opportunity to go to visit Grand Canyon. I saw a tremendous big cave like I've never seen in my entire life. On the way to the Grand Canyon we reached an altitude of over 1100 feet.
The second thing is the music, I am always listening to music when I am driving my car. I prefer country music, and I love it so much. By the way I know of many singers like Alan Jackson, Kenny Rogers, Kenny Chesney,Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Reba Mc Cuintar and so many others. Listening to their songs make me feel happy and relaxed also gets me in a good mood to be ready to go to work. I addition to this, I like to watch concerts because I like it when they perform on stage, live.
And the third thing is traveling. As matter of fact I have traveled to a few different states like Arizona and Las Vegas. I have also traveled to other countries like Canada, Albania and Greece. When I was in Arizona I had an opportunity to go to visit Grand Canyon. I saw a tremendous big cave like I've never seen in my entire life. On the way to the Grand Canyon we reached an altitude of over 1100 feet.
My Favorite Things
My favorite things are a lot, but I would like to mention some of them. The first thing is to learn more and more English,that is my goal. That is the only reason that I recently made a decision to go to school. This means a lot to me, because I see that to live in America need to know how to speak, translate and understand english very well. This will help me to get a better job, that's why I made that decision.
The second thing is the music, I am always listening to music when I am driving my car. I prefer country music, and I love it so much. By the way I know of many singers like Alan Jackson, Kenny Rogers, Kenny Chesney,Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Reba Mc Cuintar and so many others. Listening to their songs make me feel happy and relaxed also gets me in a good mood to be ready to go to work. I addition to this, I like to watch concerts because I like it when they perform on stage, live.
And the third thing is traveling. As matter of fact I have traveled to a few different states like Arizona and Las Vegas. I have also traveled to other countries like Canada, Albania and Greece. When I was in Arizona I had an opportunity to go to visit Grand Canyon. I saw a tremendous big cave like I've never seen in my entire life. On the way to the Grand Canyon we reached an altitude of over 1100 feet.
The second thing is the music, I am always listening to music when I am driving my car. I prefer country music, and I love it so much. By the way I know of many singers like Alan Jackson, Kenny Rogers, Kenny Chesney,Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Reba Mc Cuintar and so many others. Listening to their songs make me feel happy and relaxed also gets me in a good mood to be ready to go to work. I addition to this, I like to watch concerts because I like it when they perform on stage, live.
And the third thing is traveling. As matter of fact I have traveled to a few different states like Arizona and Las Vegas. I have also traveled to other countries like Canada, Albania and Greece. When I was in Arizona I had an opportunity to go to visit Grand Canyon. I saw a tremendous big cave like I've never seen in my entire life. On the way to the Grand Canyon we reached an altitude of over 1100 feet.
Chapter 1 Summary
The most successful college students are charaterized by ability to write well.- in fields from education to medicine to computer science. Based on this, if we are looking for a new job the first thing we can do is to fill out a job application,we will note that how is stress "excellent writing and communications skills".
Additional to this reading and writing enrich our daily lives so that all adults rate reading, writing,and speaking well as the most important life skills, a person can possess.
In fact writing process consists a number of steps,which are: PREWRITING,WRITING,and REVISING.a- PREWRITING is made up of:1-thinking about subjects 2-freely jotting ideas on paper or computer.3-narrowing the subjects and writing your main idea in one sentence.4-deciding which ideas to include.5-arranging ideas in a plan or outline.
1-writing the first draft.
1-rethinking,rearranging,and rerevising as necessary. 2-proofreading for grammar,and spelling errors.
In prewriting phase writers should give some thoughts to their subject,audience,and purpose. Our instructor may assigne to us a broad subject. We have to make sure to understand the assignment.Then we will focus on one aspect of the subject that intrigues us, mentioning examples.
To find or focus your subject,ask yourself:
What special experience or expertise do I have? what inspires, angers, or motivates me? what do I love to do? what story in the news affected me recently? what campus, job,or community problem do I have ideas a bout solving?
Ask your selfe: For whom am I writing? who will read this ?How much do they know about the subject? Are they beginners or expert? Will they likely agree or disagree with my ideas?
And finally, keeping your purpose in mind will help you write more effectively. Do you want to explain something to your readers, persuade them that a certain view is correct entertain them, tell a good story, or some combination of these?
Additional to this reading and writing enrich our daily lives so that all adults rate reading, writing,and speaking well as the most important life skills, a person can possess.
In fact writing process consists a number of steps,which are: PREWRITING,WRITING,and REVISING.a- PREWRITING is made up of:1-thinking about subjects 2-freely jotting ideas on paper or computer.3-narrowing the subjects and writing your main idea in one sentence.4-deciding which ideas to include.5-arranging ideas in a plan or outline.
1-writing the first draft.
1-rethinking,rearranging,and rerevising as necessary. 2-proofreading for grammar,and spelling errors.
In prewriting phase writers should give some thoughts to their subject,audience,and purpose. Our instructor may assigne to us a broad subject. We have to make sure to understand the assignment.Then we will focus on one aspect of the subject that intrigues us, mentioning examples.
To find or focus your subject,ask yourself:
What special experience or expertise do I have? what inspires, angers, or motivates me? what do I love to do? what story in the news affected me recently? what campus, job,or community problem do I have ideas a bout solving?
Ask your selfe: For whom am I writing? who will read this ?How much do they know about the subject? Are they beginners or expert? Will they likely agree or disagree with my ideas?
And finally, keeping your purpose in mind will help you write more effectively. Do you want to explain something to your readers, persuade them that a certain view is correct entertain them, tell a good story, or some combination of these?
Unicorn in the Garden
The man knew that his wife was familiar with a mythical beast,which is called on this fable unicorn. He wanted to play game with her, and kept going to convinced her that really in the garden was a such creature. So this was just a fantasy. Even though the man notice his wife's reaction,when she said "you are a booby" and "I am going to have you put in the booby hatch". He kept going to play game again,and said "we'll see about that." His wife, afterward being very excited, called police and psychiatrist, in order to achieve her purpose against her husband. She told them what her husband said to her about unicorn. But as we saw, it happened different what she thought,because she saw police and psychiatrist' reaction was that,she, according to the police and psychiatrist,was crazy. They were on her husband's side.They took her away, who was cursing and screaming, and shut her up in an institution. The husband lived happily ever after. As conclusion, the man was at right position versus his wife.Their relationship was not strong as it looked.
Fixed Quiz
Edmond Dushku
Kristian Stewart
eli 05/06
The first thing we did as soon as we came in USA about two years ago, was to search for an apartment in order not to live with one of our relatives. After looking for
a month to find a suitable apartment, I finally found the apartment where we
have been living. It includs a living room, three bedrooms, and kitchen. Probably the living room is my favorite room of all because we often gather together there, after we come home from work or school. It is a comfortable room for our family. Entering the living room from the front door we can see a new piano in the corner with a vase of colorful flowers on it. In the opposite corner stands a Sony television, which I bought for my children to watch cartoons, for us to see films, and get the daily news. Besides, there is a sofa next to the piano,a lowseat beside the TV, and also a low table between them. This is a comfortable place to sit while we watch TV or talk. On one of the light blue walls is a tranquil picture of the sea. The floor is covered with a dark red carpet, which my children like to play on. They also like to sit on it. When they watch TV, the large window is shaded by a light colored curtain, which gives the a soft bright feeling. A ceiling fan with small light is hanging from the ceiling. Whenever the fan and lights are on, we can see dangling images, which are reflected from the furniture in room. Generally, our livingroom is a place where we receive our guests. We gather togather to discuss any topic,and enjoy our leisure time.
Kristian Stewart
eli 05/06
The first thing we did as soon as we came in USA about two years ago, was to search for an apartment in order not to live with one of our relatives. After looking for
a month to find a suitable apartment, I finally found the apartment where we
have been living. It includs a living room, three bedrooms, and kitchen. Probably the living room is my favorite room of all because we often gather together there, after we come home from work or school. It is a comfortable room for our family. Entering the living room from the front door we can see a new piano in the corner with a vase of colorful flowers on it. In the opposite corner stands a Sony television, which I bought for my children to watch cartoons, for us to see films, and get the daily news. Besides, there is a sofa next to the piano,a lowseat beside the TV, and also a low table between them. This is a comfortable place to sit while we watch TV or talk. On one of the light blue walls is a tranquil picture of the sea. The floor is covered with a dark red carpet, which my children like to play on. They also like to sit on it. When they watch TV, the large window is shaded by a light colored curtain, which gives the a soft bright feeling. A ceiling fan with small light is hanging from the ceiling. Whenever the fan and lights are on, we can see dangling images, which are reflected from the furniture in room. Generally, our livingroom is a place where we receive our guests. We gather togather to discuss any topic,and enjoy our leisure time.
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